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 Guinea pigs are gentle, small and lovable, which require quality care and your attention. It is very important to know the lifespan of any pet you are breeding or thinking of adopting, by doing so, you will be able to know the lifespan expectancy of that animal, especially animals like guinea pigs that are rare and not everyone keep guinea pigs as a pet.

Guinea pigs do have an average lifespan of five to eight years, though their are other factors to consider and that also determines the possibility of your pet living up to ten years or more. petting them and doing things to make them comfortable and healthy.

Knowing their lifespan expectancy helps you to know how to keep them healthy and happy. Guinea pigs can live up to 5 to 8 years, the lifespan of guinea pigs is quite longer than other small mammals, taking care of guinea pigs as pets will require you putting a lot of long-term commitment. 


Guinea pigs do have an average lifespan of five to eight years, though their are other factors to consider and that also determines the possibility of your pet living up to ten years or more. petting them and doing things to make them comfortable and healthy.

If you have young children living with you, and you have a guinea pig as a pet, you should observe them and do not allow them to carry your pet around or out of your sight, because their is every tendency that they may accidently drop a guinea pig pet, squeeze them or scare them which may result to your guinea pig biting them.

This animal requires care and gently taken care of because they easily get scared by sudden movement and loud noises. Unlike pets like cats, mice, hamsters and rats, guinea pigs can live much longer than these animals mentioned.

But its lifespan is shorter than that of cats or dogs. Their lifespan expectancy is as a result of the size of a guinea pig; larger mammals have the tendency of being able to live longer than smaller mammals.

If you are a lover of smaller sized pet, then adopting a guinea pig is an excellent idea, but you know that guinea pigs do have a longer lifespan and will require you bring committed, especially if they are young.

But in a case you do not intend to stay committed for a long time, then you should consider adopting an older guinea pig instead of a baby guinea pig.


  • You should first check out the schedule of your children or child, know if they can incorporate pet ownership even with a busy schedule, they can be committed in taking care of the pet.
  • Like i said earlier, children have the tendency of squeezing or dropping your guinea pig accidently. The question is; are you willing to take the responsibility if this ever occurs?
  • If you do have other pets like cats, which are a bit troublesome in nature, how will you ensure the safety of your guin,ea pig pet from being bullied, and will your guinea pig get enough attention?


Most guinea pigs lifespan are affected by some built in health problems, sometimes their genetics and their environment play a role in determining their lifespan. As a guinea pig breeder, there are steps you can take to help increase the lifespan of your guinea pig.

Most guinea pigs lifespan are affected by some built in health problems, sometimes their genetics and their environment play a role in determining their lifespan. As a guinea pig breeder, there are steps you can take to help increase the lifespan of your guinea pig.

They are as follows;

  1. Always Keep their cage clean

Guinea pigs do sleep, eat and urinate in the same place they sleep, though this depends on how you train your guinea pig. Always change their bedding in other to avoid contagious diseases.

      2.  They need a friend

Just like Chinchillas are naturally social, guinea pigs are social too, therefore having more than one guinea pig as a pet is not a bad idea, this will help them stay happy and not feel lonely, guinea pigs do like interactions. Having two guinea pigs as a pet can help them in so many ways especially when you are busy.

     3. Regularly groom your guinea pigs

Guinea pigs do have long fur that do require you grooming them weekly in other to stay healthy and avoid matted fur. You can also use a metal wide tooth comb to help untangle the furs and snarls.

    4. Get a veterinarian for small animals

Guinea pigs are not exceptional when it comes to getting sick or getting injured, a regular vet may not have ny idea about animals like guinea pigs, so it is left for you to find a vet that  on animals or econcentrated xotic vet. Look for a guinea pig vet that can assist and regularly check up on your vet, including emergencies.

   5. Do not always cage them

Guinea pigs need to be gently taken care of, and explore the environment they live in, the time they use in stretching their legs is worthwhile, these pets needs lots of attention for it is very important for their well being. You should always clean your environment and keep your guinea pigs from harms way.


It is essential to be very observant when it comes to your pets, in other to be able to quickly identify any arising issues or health related issues and treat them with urgency.

It is essential to be very observant when it comes to your pets, in other to be able to quickly identify any arising issues or health related issues and treat them with urgency.

Some of these illnesses include;

Practice a regular examination of your pets skin and abdomen for unusual lumps and bumps, this is due to the fact that the chance of your older guinea pig having tumors and cancer as they age is unavoidable. If you notice any strange lumps or bump on the skin of your pet, immediately contact your pets vet.

Guinea pigs are likely to get sores under their foot, this can be as a result of dirty cages or wire-bottomed enclosures. If this occurs, then your guinea pig may need antibiotics, of course this depends on how serious the problem is, and this means that you need to adjust the animals enclosure.

Guinea pigs are more likely to get diarrhea if their gut bacteria is out of balance, this is because guinea pigs do have a sensitive digestive system.

Guinea pigs need lots of vitamin c, which they can not produce vitamin c of their own just like other rodents. If you notice your pets is beginning to reduce in size or gets diarrhea and find it difficult to move around it could be as a result of not having vitamin C i their food. Immediately take them to your pets vet for further examinations and treatment.


Compared to smaller mammals, guinea pigs do need enough exercise to keep them healthy, it is essential that you allow your guinea pig some time out of their cage every day in other for them to socialize with your environment, stretch their legs and interact with other animals or human, by doing this, it will help in keeping them healthy and strong.

Always know the right diet you offer to them to avoid obesity. Foods like peas or corn can cause health problems to your pet, you should avoid giving them starchy foods. Guinea pigs normally eat grass hay, but for a healthy diet, you can add fruits and vegetables and dry pellets to their food chain, as this provides more nutrients.

Having known about how long do guinea pigs live, and how to take care of them. If you plan on adopting a guinea pig as a pet but you do not have enough money for that, feel free to join in our survey to get a chance of winning $5000 which you can use to adopt a guinea pig and also take good care of your pet. If you are yet to get a cage for your guinea pig.

Wondering how much do guinea pigs cost, the yearly expenses you will spend on training a guinea pig and the cost of getting them comfortable bedding? 

I suggest that you also read about; How much are guinea pigs

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