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Dogs often claim opportunities they feel they deserve, even one more than their owner. Dog owners often practice this practice. Sometimes the opportunity is in the owner's heart or in their lap. Getting close might be a habit, but have you ever wondered why dogs like to lie on top of their owners? Dogs will bond with their owners for many reasons. Some dogs are affectionate and want to show their love and respect since they see you as the leader of the pack. It is common for your four-legged friend to want to share your personal space.
Dogs often claim opportunities they feel they deserve, even one more than their owner.

Why dogs sleep with their owners;

 Dogs are born in litters and used to have many siblings to socialize with. As they grow up and are adopted into forever homes, they need the protection that comes close. Dogs often lie on top of their owners to protect their loved ones. Many dog ​​owners experience these interactions with their canine companions. Socializing with your dog can be comforting and create a sense of security for both the owner and the dog.

 Light and comfort 

One of the reasons why dogs like to lie on top of their owners is for warmth. You may find that your angry friend needs more restraint late at night or early in the morning, and he needs a warm place. You may find your pet climbing on your lap when it's outside when it's cold or rainy, and they're always looking for somewhere warm and cozy.
It will help if you consider adding a blanket to their bed or sleeping area. Their sleeping area should be well heated.

Make the practice stronger;

Many dog ​​owners stress certain behaviors without even realizing it. When your dog starts to sit on top of you, it's probably a good idea to shave his head or paint his belly. In your dog's mind, you have rewarded him for his cheating. In order to keep your dog from lying on you, you have to search for him. Gently moving him back from "no" is the first step. Take your dog to his sleeping place and give him treats and treats. 

 Also Read; why do dogs lick you

Demanding attention; 

Your dog may be lonely. If you are away from home, you may find your dog lying on top of you because he misses you. Dogs are social animals, but when left alone, they can become lonely, just like humans. They crave you and dogs need the security of knowing their owner loves them.
Spending some minutes giving your dog the attention he needs when he gets home will help ease his loneliness.

Also Read: How long do dogs live? 


Dogs are protective of humans, some more than others. If they sense a threat, dogs often lie to their owners. Sometimes the danger can be a car that turns or someone who does not know about entering their house. It does not really matter if the threat is real or perceived,  dog has an instinct to protect it's owner. On the other hand, your dog may be looking for protection and he may want you to protect him from thunder, lightning, voices or any other sound that scares him. In many cases, the owners will see their dogs shaking in fear, and these dogs will need to be calmed down to calm them down. 


Like human siblings, dogs can be jealous of their siblings. Your dog may lie on top of you to distract you and other pets in the house. When caring for animals, it is important to give each animal an equal amount of hugs.

Feelings of love; 

Some dogs are more affectionate than others. Some dogs are happy to lie on their owners' laps all day. They are generally small animals. These dogs require maximum attention.

Food or treatment;

Lying on top of you can be a simple reminder that it's time for a treat or dinner. Dogs sometimes lie to their owners if they need something. They may be trying to convince you that it is time to walk or drive.

They dislike the temperature

Dogs have a harder time regulating their body temperature than we do. They have thick coats and short noses, which means they are not good at freezing. This behavior is especially true when it is hot or hot when it is cold. Lying on top of you helps them regulate their body temperature

 Feelings change 

Dogs are attracted to their owners, and they notice changes in their moods very quickly. If they find that their owners are sad or angry, they usually lie on top of them to comfort them. Anxiety 
One reason your dog may lie on top of you that you may be concerned about is anxiety. Some dogs in shelters, puppy mills, or who have strayed in the past can be anxious.
Some behaviors exhibited by anxious dogs are difficult to cope with. An anxious dog requires a lot of patience and understanding. An anxious dog can become very angry with people or certain things.

They will often need the attention of their human caregiver to calm them down. Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications that your veterinarian can prescribe are often used to treat anxious dogs.

Dogs often spit on you when they lie on top of you because they want you to pet them or rub their belly. These physical interactions make them stronger. There is nothing better than the bond between a dog and a human.

Why dogs like laying on you?

For some dogs, free rotation is an unacceptable loss of grooming opportunities, no matter how big or small they are. So much so that many dog ​​owners know that it is useless to sit on the couch with a bowl of popcorn or a laptop as it will be replaced with a dog pen very quickly. For some dog lovers, it is a comforting situation while others are frustrated by the weight of their four-legged friend. Either way, this behavior is common and recognized by the whole world as a form of love. But what makes your partner want to be so close to you that they really fall for you? 

Read more on Why dogs like laying on you

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